SeaPort NxG

Small Business Considerations:

Under the Seaport Next Generation MAC, Envisioneering qualifies as a Small Business.

The Envisioneering™ point of contact for SeaPort-e can be reached at
571-483-4128 or by e-mail

The official U.S. Navy SeaPort-e website can be accessed at:

Point of contact for SeaPort-e can be reached at 571-483-4128 or by e-mail at
The official U.S. Navy SeaPort-e website can be accessed at:

SeaPort NxG

Envisioneering is an awardee under the indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity, multiple award contracts for Seaport Next Generation, the next iteration of the services contracting vehicle SeaPort-e.

Unlike its predecessors it has a streamlined structure, gone are the regions and the 23 functional areas are divided into two work categories: engineering support services and program management support services.

SeaPort NxG has:

  • Streamlined functional areas: Engineering Support Services;
  • Program Management Support Services
  • Ordering offices: 75
  • A five-year base period of performance with an additional five-year ordering period option